So how does CREATIVITY change body image?

So how does CREATIVITY change your body image?

Or, the surprising power of your creative thinking!

If you are suffering from poor body image, then it’s likely you have tried all sorts of different ways to “fix” the problem.

So why should you believe me when I tell you that you can use CREATIVITY to change your relationship with your body?

Good question!

Body image problems often have their source in an emotion, or some kind of negative or traumatic experience. That is, although you think the problem is that you are too fat, or too unfit, or have the wrong body shape, or too many wrinkles, or whatever it may be that you don’t like about your body, the actual problem is not your body, but what you THINK and FEEL about it.

The very term “comfort eating” points to this idea.

And this is where CREATIVITY approaches the problem from a different angle…

Rediscovering your innate creativity helps you to connect to your EMOTIONS, and to clarify what’s truly IMPORTANT TO YOU. You will find yourself being more open to exploring new ideas, and looking at yourself and your body in a different way.

Playing with creative ideas in a way that encourages you to explore and experiment, without being attached to getting a perfect result, reminds you that things don’t have to be PERFECT to be of VALUE.

And so, in a gentle way, as you explore your creative side, you start letting go of the need to “fix” your body.

It’s difficult for me to explain, as it’s only by having the experience that you truly understand it. I just know it works from seeing it happen with those who have participated in my programs.

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